From what I've read lately, people really hate razz. No one likes it and no one plays it. Even during the WSOP razz tournament, the hosts were saying that you can literally not find a casino outside of Vegas that spreads razz, and even in Vegas it's not very common.
Well, I've played some razz lately and I find it quite fun. Sadly, there's maybe only 5 tables max playing it at any given time. Just for fun, and to hopefully convince some more people to give it a try, I thought I'd outline some razz basics that I have come across.
First off, razz is dealt like 7 card stud with each player getting dealt 2 down cards, 5 up cards, and 1 down card in that order. Everyone starts with 3 cards to begin with.
Unlike 7 card stud, the winner in razz is the player with the lowest hand. Aces are low and straights and flushes do not count against your hand. Therefore, the best possible hand is 5432A.
Here are some tips and things to consider when playing razz:
- You want to start with a decent hand. For beginners, you may want to fold if you have a card higher than a 7 or 8. Starting with a card higher than that can leave you drawing pretty thin right off the bat.
- Pairs are bad, but they aren’t necessarily horrible. If you pair a low card in your hand, you may still have a decent drawing chance. Also, if your pair is concealed (that is one of the pair is a down card), your opponents will not be able to assume that you are drawing thin and may still fold to your betting pressure. Two pair is bad though and it’s probably okay to muck right away. Usually, you don’t want to start a hand with a pair, but something like A22 is possible still.
- Just like other limit games, bluffing is difficult but not impossible. Since everyone can see up to 4 of their opponents’ cards, it can be hard to bluff someone who has good cards showing. However, if you have good cards showing, it can be possible to bluff despite having bad down cards.
- If your opponent bricks a card, say a Q on fourth street, it is almost always a good idea to bet out as long as you haven’t bricked as well since you are technically ahead in the hand for the moment and there’s nothing wrong with betting with the best hand.
- 5th street is where the bets increase so decide by 5th street whether you want to continue or not. Chasing after 5th street in razz can lead to you losing a lot of money.
- Pay attention to the board. You have to keep track of the cards that have been dealt and mucked already. If you’re chasing a 3 but you forgot that there were already two of them mucked earlier, you’re hurting your chances of winning.
- Consider attacking checks. If you opponent has decent up cards but checks, it can often mean that they are afraid of their down cards. It is often a good idea to bet out as it is rare that the opponent is looking to check/raise you. If they do, it’s still an easy fold most of the time.
- If you brick a street, it doesn’t automatically mean your hand is lost, but it should help you fold easier. If you have a really good hand, you can take a brick and keep playing. It can even work in your advantage since your opponents will see the brick and think you’re weak.
- Always look for chances to steal blinds and antes. If you have an A, deuce or 3 showing in the door and your opponents’ door cards are high, consider betting out and trying to steal even if your down cards are weak.
Hope to see some more people at the tables!