BlondeFish;375782 wrote
1) Accumulator format. As more & more of the poker community hates the re-entry format, I want to try out this format at least once. This will incentivize players like me to stay longer at Playground, as opposed to arriving just before the ME starts then leaving as soon as we're eliminated.
We tried an Accumulator although admittedly it was on the Easter weekend which is a very difficult weekend for a big event.
The feedback we received on this from people who did play or who we might have expected to play such an event but did not was that they felt that if they couldn't buy in to ALL of the starting days, they felt at a disadvantage and were negatively incentivized to play at all. Objectively, because players tend not to qualify more than once, it actually shouldn't be an issue but perception is king here.
Also - our experience is that players still really love the next-day re-entry format. It provides a helpful "second chance" while not allowing people to just re-enter like crazy people.
Some have raised questions about tournament security, but our experience shows that this is not a real issue IF the event is well-managed. We have had little to no evidence of any shenanigans. If there were evidence of wrong-doing that would be different.
BlondeFish;375782 wrote
2) Tag Team. I only played this format once, but would like to try it again.
I love the Tag Team format. We have one planned for June 29th - the 9th edition of this super-fun event. Part of the reason I love it - I've placed in the top 3 of 2/8 held so far!
I'll pass this along as a possible Series event - my understanding is that it doesn't necessarily fit well among a whole series of events, but there may be a way to squeeze it in.
BlondeFish;375782 wrote
3) Survivor. This is my favourite format, and is one of the rare tourneys that I will ever play in Las Vegas (Venetian). This is one of the first tourneys I ever played at Playground and I loved that it didn't have the hated re-entries.
Can you say more about why you like it? My interpretation is that people like it because it's a way, in the middle of a series or festival, to bolster one's bankroll all at once which allows a person to play more sit n go satellites or side events. Kind of like a mid-stream replenishment.
BlondeFish;375782 wrote
4) All-in-or-fold. I first noticed this fun format during WPT CSC, but my roommate & I had left by then.
We have run this twice, once as a re-entry and once as a freezeout. FUN! It will definitely appear again at some point.
BlondeFish;375782 wrote
5) Iron Man format would also be fun.
Please say more? What is this format?
BlondeFish;375782 wrote
6) If the hated re-entry format will be kept for the ME, how about copying Matt Savage's WPT 500 format?
"Hated" is very strong - hated by you. Not by a clear majority of players.
I hope to play the WPT 500 this summer if I can win a sat! Not sure about an event in which people get paid before the prize pool is established based on real numbers (they pay based on estimates). Also not sure about paying people who don't qualify for Day 2 - in theory, I could place 30th on one day and NOT be paid but place 55th on another day and be paid. Isn't that kind of confusing?
One of my favourite formats is the Survivor, and I'm lobbying for a 6-Max survivor though I don't know if it will ever make it in.
Also - this month on Sunday nights we're running a whole bunch of alternative formats such as a 50-50 Bounty (the bounty is as big as the amount that goes to the prize pool).