Irunit4times;375902 wroteTo be honest, I thought there would be more responses on this so far, but ill give it some more time. Yes Bfillmaff, you certainly could stay quiet on hand 1, but wouldnt it be fun to see your thoughts on that situation too, just dont disclose in what position you were in, just maybe look at the hand objectively?
OK, can't resist:
Hand 1
$0.50/$1.00 cash game
open to $3 from the hijack, called from the cutoff. Button re-raises to $11.
Hijack and cutoff call. pot $34.50
Button range once he raises against 2 "limps", (we'll assume that we don't know he holds JcTc)
HJ and cutoff ranges after flatting the pf 3bet are similar to each other:
Flops comes Ah Qc 8c
hijack and cutoff both check, button bets out $15
Button is betting his whole range here, it's a good board to c-bet and 2 players checked, so we gain no information from this bet.
Hijack re-raises to $45 cutoff folds.
We get check-raised so we know that Hijack has hit this flop, either with a hand, a draw, or both. We can take a few hands out of his range, which now looks like this:
button has 10cJc.
Pot is $95
Hijack has $75 behind
Button has $250 behind
Range vs range, Button is a slight underdog at 45/55.
With JcTc specifically, Button is a 51% favorite against HJ's range:
What do you do in this position if your the button and why?
Seems like a perfect spot to shove. Out of the 141 hands in HJ's range, he can call a shove with 48 of them, so we're getting a fold 2/3 of the time and taking the pot down with Jack high. The other 1/3 of the time we are getting it in and are in pretty good shape with 40% equity:
HJ's calling range and our equity against it:
Our equity is going down big time once a turn card comes out, and pushing our 1% edge we can safely get it in now and really not mind either a fold or a call. By shoving it now we also avoid the inevitable $75 bet from the HJ on the turn card.
Adding up the numbers for shoving the flop:
2/3 of the time we get a fold and win $95
40% of 1/3 of the time we get a call and win $170
60% of 1/3 of the time we get a call and lose $105
Or: (95 * .66) + ((170 * .4) + (-105 * .6) * .33)
Or: 62.7 + 1.65
For a total EV of
+$64.35 if we shove on the flop. Get it in!