I’m putting together a weekend road trip for anyone who rides a bike and would be interested in joining in.
I’ve put together two different trip Itineraries. If you are interested in coming along please let me know ASAP, and also let me know what Itinerary interest you more.
I’m aiming to do this the weekend of July 18th – 20th or August 8th – 10th
The decision for what Itinerary and what weekend is still TBD, but will probably just go with a majority rule.
If you do not ride a bike and would still be interested in joining in, you’re more than welcome, especially if you are willing and able to pull a trailer as a support vehicle.
Option A
Bolton - Seneca Allegany Casino – Roughly 4 hours based on gas stops, traffic, etc
Seneca Allegany Casino – Turning Stone Casino - Roughly 4 hours based on gas stops, traffic, etc
Turning Stone Casino - Bolton – Roughly 5 hours based on gas stops, traffic, etc
- Friday afternoon – Depart Bolton, arrive late afternoon at Seneca Allegany Casino spend the night.
- Saturday mid morning – Depart SAC, arrive at Turning Stone mid/late afternoon. Spend the night.
- Sunday mid morning/afternoon head home.
Option B
Bolton - Turning Stone Casino – Roughly 5 hours based on gas stops, traffic, etc
Turning Stone Casino – Mohegan Sun Casino – Roughly 5 hours based on gas stops. Traffic, etc
Mohegan Sun Casino – Bolton – Roughly 9.5 hours based on gas stops, traffic, etc
- Friday afternoon – Depart Bolton, arrive Turning Stone mid/late afternoon, spend the night.
- Saturday mid morning – Depart TSC, arrive at MSC mid/late afternoon. Spend the night.
- Sunday morning – Long ride home.