cliffy1 I'm not sure what you mean but it's a real opportunity no lies no bull just an opportunity Thanks
cliffy1 the ladies tend to be less informed and spend their money at slots wasting their money as you have indicated the guys educate and inform themselves on how to win. just vist a casino and see the sad face's We can teach them where and how to invest their money by risk sharing risk versus reward versus cost not gambling but, investing
cliffy1 it' the ladies who are in need of education not guys as you indicated by your sucess We inform on how to invest rather than gamble by risk sharing risk versus reward versus cost
Hobbes cliffy1;374776 wrotethe ladies tend to be less informed and spend their money at slots wasting their money So they don't use their pin money wisely? You know this is 2014 right?
pkrfce9 I didn't get it at first but then I realized Milton. Taliban ftw! tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
cliffy1 A woman recently tried to take the OLG to court because she blew $330,000 yet she was on an exclusion list.....just one of many also some have committed suicide If you had $330,000 to gamble would you go to a casino and play slots? no because you know your chances are horrible and the money is better spent on movies and clothes or whatever This opportunity is for the one's who need it.
DrTyore cliffy1;374776 wrote as you have indicated the guys educate and inform themselves on how to win. Clearly you've never played with half of the people here....... Mark
cliffy1 I don' play cannot elimnate cards except what is visible to everryone to you can judge your risk versus reward vesus's all luck what your dealt your skill is involved in bluffing unless your dealt a monster hand I like to control my investment by knowing before hand what my risk is versus the reward available and then calculate the cost to determine wether to proceed or pass
pkrfce9 pkrfce9;374772 wroteMilk man? tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU Milk man won last night. Not eligible. Comp, tired of losing? Might be good. tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
compuease pkrfce9;374785 wrote Comp, tired of losing? Might be good. If I put on a dress can I get help... I'm in the right location.. This HAS to be a gag right? Normally the hammer is out by now, but I AM curious...
bluesky compuease;374786 wroteIf I put on a dress can I get help... I'm in the right location.. This HAS to be a gag right? Normally the hammer is out by now, but I AM curious... Someone is looking for an excuse to put on a dress... >:D
compuease bluesky;374788 wroteSomeone is looking for an excuse to put on a dress... >:D pkrfce9;374789 wroteComp usually has on a nice skirt at the games. lol, I know how this looks but........ got a feel cliffy may not be back...>:D