Buzzzardd Ladies and gentlemen, let's get ready to rummmmmmmmmmmmmble! This is set up in the Canada's Poker Forum Home games lobby. Hope to see everyone out! Time: 20:30ET BI: $5.50 **If there are 9 players or more, the winner will receive a lovely and highly coveted forum award icon** If you are not a member of this home game and would like to play, please post your interest and make sure you apply to join the home game club. When applying to the club please make sure to : 1) Include your forum name in the space provided for your name and 2) Send a PM to Buzzzardd with PS Screen name and date of application. Failure to do so will result in delayed acceptance and/or rejection of your application request. Club Info: Club Name: Canada's Poker Forum ID: 10396 Invitation Code: canadapoker Thanks and good luck everyone!!
philliivey I had fun the last time, Hopefully Buzzard and such not getting bad ideas as I have not played since, I took a small break from online and withdrew the stars balance as I did some major purchases, would love to have played today as I actually had time, just have a appointment with bank tomorrow to do some +e.v. (Hi Blondefish! :P) rearranging and think will be ready to play again.:) (maybe a bap incoming who knows,lol)
philliivey Hobbes;372232 wroteyou bought a coffee? Would you like one?:D New t.v., t.v. stand and new bed. Let's just say I had a good month last month in casinoments.;)