InsaneGuy I'm going to play my first real live tournament this weekend, 65 buy in + 10$ addon so 32k chips, starts at 100/200 with 30 minutes blind. Is there a good general strategy to adopt live vs online? From what I've been told there's usually 50ish player and you can rebuy once in the first 2 hours. Thanks
UBetIFold As tempting as it may be to play tricky, try to keep it to a minimum. Play reasonable hands, value town value town, and position position position. GL!!
The_Awesome I may have seen a couple books on live play out there ;) Stay calm and cool and think. My wife laughs when I say live poker is an exercise in meditation but it is.
The Prophet 22 I wise player once told me, remember, you are young male lion, king of the room. There are many lioness out there who will do a lot of the killing for you. In the end stand up and show why you are the KING AND TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS! Good Luck
InsaneGuy Busted out mid-tourney. Early on I didn't get much card, first big hand was KK > A10 he only had 8k behind but still gave me a decent stack. Got JJ twice in a row made money the first time and lost some on a AK high flop A lot of hand later I got QQ mid-pos raised 3BB and was only called by one person, flop was all low cards so I bet and he simply called, turn was another low card, bet again and he again just called, river was a J, I bet and AGAIN he called, I showed my queens and he showed KK and took the pot it was a massive hit to my stack. I had 7k or so left and the blinds we're at 2k so I went all in on the BB with 75o someone called with K9 and I won with a straight on the river (woah) Won a few small pots including the next BB where I called with 73 and the flop was 456 rainbow. a few hands later I got QJo, pushed all-in another small stack called with 88 and another small stack called with A10o I had them both covered and was left with 600 chips (wee) but I spiked a queen on the river to "stay alive". They closed the table and I moved to another one where one guy kept playing every hand, when I got there he just doubled up with 63o vs AK he then proceeded to give most of his stack away with 75o vs AK again, he pushed all in a few hands later for 20kish I called with 77 someone else called with AJs we checked to the river and the shorty managed to spike 2 pairs with K9o and stay alive. I lost half my stack on the SB with Q9s where I hit 2 pairs but the board flushed on the river and folded, got AK the very next hand, pushed and was snap called by a guy holding KK and that was the end of my adventure ! All in all I regret some hands I played poorly and some where I just didn't get lucky but that's all right, I'll go back next time and with the jitters gone will probably manage to do better! Phew, long read :)
The Prophet 22 There is an art to live play. Don't give up on it! Listen, Learn, and Adapt. In the mean time come play the storm tomorrow. Prophet22
Milo pkrfce9;372050 wroteI select a nice lube for live tourneys All the guy had was a straight . . . sheesh.