Looking at the trip report that I had emailed, there were only
36 players. One of my key hands was when I 3-bet and a :fish: who wasted the $1,090 buy-in called with only 9% equity - but it was 10-2 soooted. My elimination hand was against a different :fish: who kept trying to light his $1,090 on fire, so he bluff 3-bet preflop (as usual) in the small blind, bluffed on the flop & called my
AA all-in raise with only a gutshot - but it was 5-2 soooted.... Brantford is rigged!!!
DrCarl, have you changed your mind about taking the train or carpooling to WPT CSC? My guess is that there will only be 2 or 3 tables on March 30 at Brantford.
Toronto Pimp;371329 wroteI played it two months ago and i think there were around 65 players. Blondfish was there maybe he remembers the total.
Plan on a 12 hour day