InsaneGuy So I went to my weekly donkament here's a list of stuff that happened in 1 hour before I busted : Hand 1 : Player 1 has 77 Player 2 has 910 Flop : 678 Raise-re-raise-all in 77 rivers a 7 for Quads and wins The very next hand, same player 1 gets QQ, Flop is AQ5 turn is another Q Quads 2 hands in a row, insane. Now for bad beats, there's 2 all-ins before me, I look down and see AA Call and I'm against 1010 and KJ 10 on the river stacks me so I rebuy Right before the first break, I get QQ on the BB, there's a raise and a call, these people will call anything so I push, get called by 99 Flop 567 Turn 3 River 8 And that is how my tournament ended, wild night for sure.
InsaneGuy Oh and the guy who had 99 and the guy who had 1010 are brothers, so I got stacked twice by the same family!
compuease InsaneGuy;371038 wroteOh and the guy who had 99 and the guy who had 1010 are brothers, so I got stacked twice by the same family! collusion? >:D And shouldn't you have titled your thread Insane night!
InsaneGuy compuease;371040 wrotecollusion? >:D And shouldn't you have titled your thread Insane night! lol I failed :(
InsaneGuy I busted out in fashion again last night. KQs on the button, 2 limpers, I have an average stacks I barely cover the 2nd limpers but the 1st one is very short stacked, I raise 3bb , both blinds fold and the limpers call. KQ7 rainbow First limper goes all in, second call, I call river is another K 2nd limper bets, I raise him all in, he calls He has AK River A Boom! After the previous night where I lost both AA vs 1010 and QQ vs 99 hands to get eliminated I was... not angry but I felt hopeless, I had the nuts, I was going to more than double my stack and cruze to maybe a nice win and BANG the river hammer knocks me out. I'm also having terrible river luck on Stars lately so , meh :(