trigs;370378 wrote100 BB stacks. 3bet is about 10% of total stack.
specifically, the 3bet tends to be closer to 12% of total stack. (for example, $5 buy-in; SB $0.02 + BB $0.05 + my pot raise of $0.17 = villain's 3bet repot of $0.58).
if villain is short (like 50BBs or less) i tend to be a bit tighter as trying to out flop them isn't as lucrative.
if villain and myself are both big stacked (150BBs+), i am usually a little looser as the potential to win a monster is increased.
sometimes when i'm playing on my phone i'll short stack because i'm too lazy to go click through the buttons to reload all the time, but on my laptop i'm automatically topping up to 100BBs, so i'm not too concerned about me playing with a short stack.