[deleted] Hey I'm new to this forum so if I use some incorrect terminology let me know. Thx My question is did I make the wrong move going all in a MTT? (it's a freeroll) (Side note): I know its hard to play against people who don't care, but I still think the question is relevant Situation: Stack average at the table (around 20BB) Hero (15BB): A8o in CO. everyone folds CO. Hero attempt to steal with 3xBB raise. Villain (30BB): very, very LAG player on BU 3-bets to 6BB. Blinds fold. Now, thought the 3-bet was pretty weak. Either shove or fold right? Hero pushes and Villain calls with 44. Hero sadly loses and goes to bed completely traumatized. I needed to steal so I'm not really bummed about the original raise, Maybe if I increased the size of the bet? Maybe all in without the raise? With his 3-bet I'm basically forced to call right? Even if I had known he had 44's I don't know if I would make a different decision. {Final and most important question} But, next time should I fold, avoid the coin flip and wait for a better opportunity to keep my freeroll dreams alive?? Thanks Cully.
The_Awesome So let's say the blinds are 50/100. When you first act the pot is 150. You raise to $300 leaving you with $1200. LAG villain repops it to $600. When it comes to you again the pot is now $1050 and you have $1200. Villain has laid you decent odds to see a flop at 300 to 1050. The problem is that a true LAG will put the pressure on you after the flop no matter what comes so you would have to hit. Plus he has position. If you shove villain is getting 900 to 2250 so you don't have a lot of fold equity here. Most players will call here with a small pair hoping for a race at a good price. But there is a small chance you can still take the pot down here if villain was making a move with garbage. Since villain is playing LAG it would be hard to know if your A 8 is good or not. If he was playing TAG or TP I might pause to consider a fold and look for a better place to get my last 12BB in. But in this case I'd probably shove. So I think you played it pretty standard here. You lost a coin flip. The more you play poker the more you'll realize that you can't 100% of the time get your money in only with the dominant hand... sometimes you have to volunteer for a coin flip. When getting close to 10BB sometimes you have to volunteer with less than 50% shot. If this disturbs you better start playing chess ;)
bluesky Monoxide;370241 wroteYou lost a coin flip, as explained above ^^ >:D I lose coin flipsssss daily = )