Planning on going to Woodbine tonight. Any hints or tips would be appreciated.
First go to the poker room and ask the person at the front desk for a players card. Once you get your card, you must go to the cage to deposit funds on the card (its a right turn leaving the poker area). Once you make a deposit on your card, go back to the poker room and swipe your card to register for the limit you want. If you are playing 2/5 or 5/5, I would also register for 1/2 so you can start playing earlier and they will come ask you if you want to move up limits when you get to the top of the list.
If you plan to cash out at the end of the night (assuming all the Woodbine sharks haven't tken all your monez), make sure to leave a small balance on your card so when you come back next time, you don't have to make a deposit on your card before you can get your name on a list.
Remember where you parked your car!
no dealers = no tips
oh I guess you can give the server a dollar when they bring you a drink
press on the all-in button every hand then fold :D
Tip #1: Don't bet on the horses.
Tip #2: Every time you get a bad beat, hit the dealer, shout, "This site is rigged!" and promise that you'll never, ever play poker again. ;)
Tip #3: My favourite food is the Southern Fried Chicken on the second floor, and the Noodle Bar.
Seriously, good luck at Woodbine. I will play there again if/when the SNG deadline is extended past noon.
How did it go? I second avoiding the horses :)
Tip.p 1. Go to woodbine, visit noodle bar and have soup, ask for lemon grass something like that.
Tip2. Don't bother with any slots or poker.
Tip 3. If you decide to play poker, don't chase unless you 4 out or less. Especially 2 outer.
Bonus tip. Fold ur sets on flop.
So I tried the electronic tables at Woodbine with mixed results. I started with a full stack of $200 and was the 3rd highest stack at the table. I found I missed having chips to play with and actual cards.
Out of the 9 players at the table, only 3 were what I would considered competent, three rocks and three fish. I got up to $400 after a couple of hours by stacking one of the fish twice. He just couldn't fold top pair if you had a gun to his head.
Then I got dealt 9h-8h on the button and it was raised to $10 by MP, one caller, I called, SB folds, BB calls, $40 in the pot pre-flop. Flop comes 9s-5s-8c, MP checks, guy to my right puts in $25 ($120 behind) - He is a good player and is capable of anything - I re-pop it to $80 and he says "I can't fold this and shoves all in" - I call and he flips over Ks-Qs. Turn is the 5h and the river is a Q, giving him the better two pair.
Not long after, I get trapped by a slow played QQ and lose another $100. I think I'll just stick to live tournies, with real chips and a dealer. I know its not rigged but I just don't like the idea of a computer deciding my fate.
200 is a full stack now?
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are there normally a lot of tables running? i was thinking of giving it a try since it's probably the closest place to me. it would be strange sitting at a poker table and not having chips to play with.
$300 is the max bi for 1/2.
tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU
trigs;370360 wroteare there normally a lot of tables running? i was thinking of giving it a try since it's probably the closest place to me. it would be strange sitting at a poker table and not having chips to play with.
Usually at least 4 running by noon every week day.
Someone didn't follow my tips.