Event 2b (2 day entry) $365.00 10,000 starting stack 30 min blinds
780 runners
118 remaining
Day 2 noon start Sunday
Bagged 83,000 chips
Ante 500
1500,3000 level 15
1st pays 56k
Nice start. A bunch of us will be there on Tuesday - Sunday next week for the circuit if youre still around.
12 players left and I have a stack of about 28 bb's. On dinner break...time to go for the ring!
Edit: 890 entrants
Out in 11th place for just under $4k
I went card dead after the dinner break for an hour and a half...got the rest of my stack 12bb's with A2 pf and villain had AK.
In hindsight it was a mistake and a bit of a tilt shove as I hadn't seen a face card for a long time.
Glad to have run as deep as I did but, also a little disappointed at the same time. I feel I played my 'A' game right up until the last hand.
Lots of lessons learned, and a very good experience. I feel like I have learned a ton.
I will try and post some more on this when I get back home.
Flying out on Tuesday...good luck to all PFC'ers who are planning on running in the wsop circuit events at Caesars. Hope you run as good as I did.
One more thing...never ever give up no matter how bleak your situation at the tables. I was down to about 9 bb's late on day 1....and managed to turn it all around.
Can't wait to here more about it. Congrats!
And our buddy Doug Lee ships the PLO for ring 2, weeeeeee