GTA Poker;368780 wroteI 3 bet or call initially, I think both plays are equal without any metagame issues if it is a new table.
I shove when it gets back to me the next time...I've gotten it in with way worse hands for $1200 live when I try to iso a shortish stack with dead money in the pot and get called:( Sometimes KT73ds good for $3000:). I think that folding when it gets back to you with action still behind you is fine if you want to play a lower variance style...this is only true if 3 and 4 bets are rare at your table or at this limit overall.
At many low limit online tables players only 3 or 4 bet with AAxx (or KKxx which is a whole level of terrible) and your hand plays very well vs most AAxx hands. Make sure to run your hand vs these hands on cardplayer or wherever so you realize how your hand holds up vs what they had and what you feel they could have. It is pretty rare for a low limit player to make a more advanced play with 9876 in these spots IMO so hands are fairly face up.
I did run it through an Omaha calculator afterwards. I was surprised to actually be ahead with around 31-32%. Each of them holding AA helped I'm sure. (i was 31%, AA88ds was 27% and other was 20% and they had a 21% chance to split). wait, does the split chance mean i'm actually behind then?
EDIT: trying to lower variance in omaha? pffft, screw that. i'll just play holdem then :D
EDIT 2: btw, i think i may be hooking into the #gtaomaharungood as this is my 6th consecutive winning session!