An OLG email addy can't be hard to find, just finding the right one that would get attention is the variable.
Had a similar situation @ Brantford awhile ago. Thought I had found a good addy, but never got a response. Luckily, I was far from the only player to complain that time.
If I find a good addy I will post it here.
For any that are curious-The Similar Brantford Situation:
Ladies freezeout tourney, maybe 6-9 months ago. A new player busts early and innocently asks if she can re-enter and sit at a seat with chips belonging to nobody. Amazingly, she is allowed to do so!
She goes on a tear, knocks player after player out while amassing a huge stack. Many players take notice and are upset.
Despite me having the official rules open on my phone, the tournament director I speak to defends the decision/insists its OK (scariest part of the story)
The director I speak to b4 the start of the next tourney admits the error and apologizes. I am assured it will not happen again.
Personally, I'm glad she went on that tear. Had she just got knocked out again early, players may not have known or cared, and not complained or taken the time to escalate their complaints.
Don't know if she ended up cashing.