kenshi3;369099 wroteThanks for the reply and help guys.
Lost $300 2 nights ago.
Hand 1:
Was facing villain to my left, hes a regular player 25 + asian guy, TAG I believe.
I don't remember the exact details but, I had AhKc , i raised to $12, 4 ppl called including villian.
Flop comes:
Ad Jc 10d
I bet $25, villain re-raises me to $65, the other 2 limpers folded. I tanked and called.
Villain bets $65
I folded. Should I have manned up here and just went all in when my stack was only $100 left? I cashed in $200 to start. I was scared he hit flush. Sigh.
Your instinct to not stack off with one pair was correct. If you go all in there, what hands that you are ahead of would call? would any better hands fold?
Without any info other than "asian TAG", i don't think folding was wrong. Look at the hands in his range - that raise means AJ, A10, JJ, 1010, or a bluff. Maybe KQ but he probably just calls with the nuts. Maybe KK which you can add to the bluff category. Maybe AQ/AK and going crazy, but thats a very small part of his range.
With more information (hands you have seen him play), you can adjust your range. (I tend to snap off asians if I have seen them making moves on previous hands.)
Fold and move on - and NEVER show your AK. Muck and say you had 88 or something.
kenshi3;369099 wrote
Hand 2:
Hero has pocket 6s, facing the 45 yr old TAG guy to the right with only 5 players left on the table,
Hero only has around $100 left.
Villain bets $15 pre-flop. Everyone folds except me and I called.
Flop comes:
345 rainbow.
Villain bets:
$25, Hero calls.
Villain bets $35, Hero folds.
Your stack was too small to call down one card at a time. Shove that flop over his bet, that gives you two ways to win. With more chips in front of you, calling the 25 and even the 35 wouldn't be bad at all.
kenshi3;369099 wrote
Good thing tonight, I won it all back using my tightest strategy. Got paid off when I had kings and aces and ppl went all in with 9s.
There ya go! Last time it was you with the 9's. That's progress.
kenshi3;369099 wrote
Can anyone explain , how you bet to "see" where people are at? When should I bet to see where someones range is. I've been putting ranges on people, but I think it's gotta get some time to used to.
Every bet will gain you information. Don't look at it as "should I bet here to gain information?", look at it as "I made a bet here because ______, and my opponent __________, which means he doesn't have _____ or ____, and is more likely to have ____." What you are looking for is a list of hands he might have that keeps getting smaller and smaller as more information flows in. Your opponents reaction to every action will provide a small piece of that information. Some bets will provide more information than others. Some bets will be designed to fool you, but in the long run bets mostly mean what they mean. Practice this at every step of every hand and just focus on what he *doesn't* have.
kenshi3;369099 wrote
Also, I cashed $100 on pokerstars. Played 0.5/1NL, and got my bankroll crushed when I had kings and 3 betted and the guy put me all in and he had aces and crushed me.
Now I'm scared to play online, and I don't pay attention if I play lower stakes, I just don't think I'm earning enough money to be worth my time.
The guys playing at 0.50/1.00 NL online are not dicking around. Online poker is tougher than live poker, it is faster and full of better opponents who will take your money if you hesitate for a second. I do very well in live games but I am losing or break-even at best playing .10-.25 online. I could only dream of beating 0.50/1.00.
Just consider the possibility of losing 40 consecutive buyins (your KK vs AA is a great example... that happens) and decide on the proper stake from there. Once you do, look at the game as # of big blinds, not dollars.
kenshi3;369099 wrote
Most likely because I don't multi-table like everyone. I just like to play 1 table and focus on that one.
I wonder if I should deposit some more for online play. So far I'm down $200 in online play right now. =(
Nothing wrong with playing one table, its a better way to improve your game.
kenshi3;369099 wrote
I was up to $170 at 1 point with the $100 but kings vs aces... starting to think its rigged...
it IS rigged!