westside8;366602 wroteDo not let your hand strength dictate your raise size.
This is a very important point. Vary bets based on position, not hand value, (or just bet the same every time.)
We know we're in early position, so a smaller raise is in order. Anyone that would call a 2x will still call a 3x. 4 or 5x maybe gets you heads up, but now you are in an 11BB pot with 15BB behind, out of position, against an opponent who was willing to call 5x. To top it off there are not many flops that you are going to be thrilled about.
By betting 2x, you also gave your opponent the chance to raise, allowing him to expose information about his hand, while risking the minimum yourself. Your read would dictate a call or fold at that point, and as mentioned before, this guy was willing to raise an early position raiser so theres a decent chance he has something. Contrast that to raising 5x and being called, you have no idea where you are at and the action is on you.
As it played out, and given that there isn't much info on the 3bettor, you can figure to at best be coin-flipping - wait for a better spot!