compuease lol, now that is just epic... I wonder if Bill's clocks were running slow because of the ice storm last week? Maybe he miscalculated...
Milo Miserable? Come on . . . if this gag doesn't qualify as "asshole" material, what does? Rest assured that Stumpy is alive and kicking . . . just waiting to tasunt some new Manager in a rescucitated Dead Pool down the road. And Bill? Oxy-Clean will clean those boxers up just right.
wildbill7145 It won't fix the gaping hole I blew through them! Brand new xmas shorts! Speaking of which, yesterday I actually spent a few minutes trying to find a real money DP on the net. Couldn't find one, but don't think I'd bother either way. It's the kind of thing I'd want to at least know the people involved. I guess we can unsticky the DPIV thread?