After recently rereading my past threads on this forum (which I’ve done many many times), I’ve come to better understand the issues people have had with me and why I was unable to clarify my view. If people don’t want to read my rambling or a mod wants to insta delete this please at least skip down to the bold. And if it gets deleted maybe at least the bold could remain for others to see.
I should get to the point as quick as possible as to why anyone should read this anyways. I did find a post I missed before, where I admitted I said that Jews run the world. I am still curious about the original post I referred to but it wasn’t clear to me before this that I even said that I said it. I have much to explain but I’ll try to be concise at this point, I wasn’t very knowledgeable on these specific things, and really had just learned about them. I really meant Israel runs the world (which I will explain later that I didn’t even think that is true), as I was implying being Israeli meant being Jewish by default. I somewhat knew the difference, and it doesn’t necessarily fix things, but I meant to suggest an Israeli government control, not a Jewish peoples.
This also pertains to another post about Jews in the American government, I really meant to point at duel Israeli nationals not Jews. Again this doesn’t fix things, but I really struggled to understand what people were so upset about and re reading it I understand better.
I guess the main issue people had was me posting the Holocaust denial video. I certainly didn’t mean to imply that the Holocaust didn’t happen. Many people were asking “do you believe it happened? Do you? Do you?” But I wouldn’t really answer. This isn’t because I was afraid to say how I felt, it’s because I didn’t want people to be able to make it so easy and black and white. To be clear, the holocaust happened, and it was big and awful, but I mean the whole issue of holocaust deniers isn’t so black and white.
I meant to point out that these people have what THEY FEEL are legitimate concerns about the historical accounts of this event. I’m not saying their concerns are valid, all I meant to ultimately point out is the PEOPLE with the concerns ARE valid. And we should not ostracize them, condemn them, hate them, and cast them out for it. If nothing else you fuel these people’s ignorance and misunderstandings further by doing so.
What became quite ironic is this is what happened to me. Because of my perceived beliefs, I was cast out, with no ability to explain or defend myself. Now again to be clear, I had time to explain, and I tried, but I had no idea I would get perma banned, or I might have handled it differently (quicker). Actually I probably didn’t understand my predicament well enough anyways.
I was asked to present my world view (in jest), so I began to do so but I choose to start with something that had shock value, a view that Jews (Israel) run the world, and once I had everyone’s attention I was to bring up other points of view such as the US agenda or its economic ties with China etc. To eventually point out that it’s the layman that believes in such false divisions such as nationality, race, religious differences, etc., and that those with power in this world do not believe in or only see in such divisions.
So I have much more to say on this, and I would like to explain to anyone specifically that would appreciate and give me a chance to clarify. I mean specifically to each individual (even publicly) rather than addressing a group.
I came across a documentary recently that was very eye opening in which the teacher of a uni class slowly started to create a mock Nazism experiment, slowly convincing the class to accept harsher and harsher suppressive (non violent) rules, until it got completely out of hand, and eventually people started to conform lest they fear for their lives. At first they were worried about their grades, but soon the students escalated the game to a scary level.
The moral is that the Nazi regime was not a German disease. It is something we are each capable of given a certain breading ground as circumstances. I detest what the Nazis did, and what they represent and my heart goes out for all the Jews and non Jews that suffered and continue to suffer. But I do also feel for the Nazi men…the lost souls that didn’t understand what they were doing and what they had become.
You see, I understand the holocaust to be a tragedy not vs Jews, but humanity. And in that we might understand that it was not the Nazis that committed the horrors, but again humanity. We are each the victim and the guilty. But to admit the truth to that, you have to admit that you yourself are not free of such sin, or that given the exact same circumstances you might be coerced to act the same way. To call it only a Jewish tragedy is really to separate yourself from Jews and see them as separate from you. It was a human tragedy, committed by humans on humans. I realize now my words didn’t reflect this, but it’s how I felt about these things for a very long time.
This is what I meant to point out. Whether it is correct or worthy or not, that was my intention of all that mess.
I realize some will suggest it’s a cop out, and I don’t expect you to take my word for it. But if you scrutinize my past words with the context of the threads, and do it with sincerity for the quest for truth, you’ll find my words ring true to what I explain now, and fall in line with the rest of my character.
I have re-read those threads many times, and until recently I truly didn’t understand what the fuss was about, so I do understand why my attempts to explain were to no avail. I truly take great pains not to hate anyone or any group and I was very confused on how that didn’t shine through, I’m not so confused on that now.
I have sent numerous apologies and clarifications to the mods and admin with no reply. We can’t do this to people whose opinions on the world differ from ours just because we disagree with them or feel their views are unjust. To do so is to isolate them in this world, and it’s that isolation that breeds ignorance and ignorance is the root cause of violence.
Above all I want to apologize to those people who were truly upset and affected by my words. Specifically to those that enjoyed and appreciated my presence, and were shocked and disappointed by the content of those threads. I apologize, and I am sorry for that and I admit to my own ignorance.
I would certainly like the chance to apologize and clarify to each individual that would like to (and therefore deserves to) hear it. We all lost out because of this, if I could take it back and do it differently I would. But I can assure you all that before I was cut off I was leading to an explanation of a holistic view of this world, with no prejudicial divisions between anyone, which is what I have believed in for a very very long time, something very hard to explain but very important.
I do see now why people thought it was true I was antisemtic, and I do (now) recognize examples of posts that lead people to that conclusion. I didn’t understand it before because I didn’t understand clear enough the words I was using to convey my thoughts.
Yasper . . . as stated previously, your thoughts on poker are welcome, as I believe you have some interesting insight, despite what pkrfce9 may think. As for the rest, your apology is noted, at least by this critic of your past postings. Have to go pick up my daughter shortly, but look forward to reading those links.