Hello good evening and WELCOME to next year's DEAD POOL.
Each manager will select a roster of 50 players. This roster will consist of 10 players in each of the following 5 categories:
After selecting 50 players, managers are responsible for numbering their roster in the order that they wish them to be drafted. The 5 categories are not relevant to this numbering procedure (ie a manager can list all his Misc. players in the top 10). It is strictly who the manager thinks is most likely to expire within the calendar year.
Monies will be paid out on the following, graduated basis:
Player is 81+ = $5.00
Player is 66+ = $6.00
Player is 51+ = $8.00
Player is
<50 = $10.00
Player is 27 yrs. old = $20.00
Managers are responsible for registering a "winner". As in previous years, good natured "hints" will be tolerated, as this is supposed to be fun . . . morbid, but fun. Any winners NOT registered by January 31st, 2015 will be deemed forfeit.
Ineligible players:
The following categories of players will be deemed ineligible for the draft:
Death Row inmates or persons under a sentence of death, regardless of country, or status of appeals. NO EXCEPTIONS FOR ANY REASON.
People who fall into the category of "World's Oldest . . .".
There will be an exception made if said player has fame/notoriety for something beyond their age. Any player in this category will be scrutinized heavily by the other Managers and the Moderator.
Players selected must have some level of fame or notoriety to qualify for the pool, such that their deaths will be reported by a reputable news source outside of the obituary pages (so your great aunt will not qualify, unless she also happened to be otherwise famous). When informed of a winner, the Moderator shall confirm through these independent news sources before payments are to be sent.
No confirmation, no pay-out. No exceptions.
The following news sources will be used for confirming a "winner":
CBC (Canada)
The Globe & Mail (Canada)
BBC News (UK)
The Guardian (UK)
The Telegraph (UK)
Sports Illustrated
USA Today
The Economist
google news
yahoo news
World news
New York Times
In short, if your "winner" does not show up in a major media source, you
did not win.
Once the rosters are determined, they will be published for all
Managers to see and critique. In order to make this easy on all Managers, I would ask that players be listed by name, category, and notoriety.
A couple of examples:
Roger Ebert, Entertainment, Film Critic.
Stan Musial, Sports, Hall of Fame Baseball Player
In this way folks who are not necessarily into picking the obscure players that some prefer, will have an easier time of following along with a Manager's reasoning.