Below are two excellent articles by poker icons about re-entry tournaments .
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Matt Savage
Chris Moorman (over $10 million in online earnings).
mikelbyl;364685 wroteBTW Matt Savage is still pro next-day-reentry like we do, he's very clear about that. He's against same-day/same-flight re-entry. Which we don't do.
Here is what Moorman had to say about WPT Montreal:
WPT Montreal is a $3850 reentry event with three separate starting days. In theory you could be in for $11,400 when the minimum cash is only $5204. In fact if you played all three bullets in this tournament you would need to make the top 5 percentile of the tournament (45th place out of 862 entries.) This means that in a reentry tournament there are very few winners. However, in a freezeout tournament with no reentrys, normally around 15% of the field make the money and are all guaranteed to be ‘winners.’ Not big winners of course but especially for recreational players coming back with more money than you started with is seen as a big thing.
I believe that the loss in players was to less satellite winners, as they didn’t want to play one bullet where their opponents would be able to take advantage of up to three bullets.