Never seen anything like this. Playing a live MTT and got it all in with 88. He turns over A8 and I'm thinking good, only 3 outs. Before the flop is dealt, the guy sitting to my right says "I folded A2off".
Flop Axx. (2 outer)
Turn 8!!!!! (1 outer)
River is the last $%&* A. I couldn't believe it. (And it wasn't rigged because I was the dealer, LOL!)
Makes me not mind the bad beats online when I see something crazy like this in live poker.
Shoulda ran the ocean for another 1 outer...
with five cards to come, you never are facing a player that has three outs.
You can't count hitting 4 out of 5 cards as a true out.
OK he had 3.01 outs.
tapatalk puts this here to annoy YOU