Jacen299;364181 wroteto me "bunch of limpers" means the case ace is out there. My theory to check is to control the pot, and not lose your stack. of course pocket pairs could fill up, but all the limping doesn't signal pocket pairs. I still check the flop, bet /call turn.
Betting out will either... win you a small pot or in all likeliness you'll find out who you're losing a big pot to or perhaps winning a big pot against or chopping a pot with. Anyone holding 9x probably doesn't pay you when you bet flop.
This was my thinking exactly. If I'm ahead, I've smashed the flop and I'm not getting any action except from hands that have me crushed.
Hand 1: hero checks behind on flop
Turn: AA99
BB bets out $10, everyone else folds, horrible player to my right calls, hero?
Hand 2 (different table)
Hero UTG+1
Lag straddles UTG to $10
Hero wakes up with AA
Hero...pops it to $30, bad player in late position flats, straddler, complains, looks and calls. He will play almost ATC when he knows he is up against a big hand and is likely to stack you.
Flop: 2 4 6, 2 spades, UTG checks, hero...I should mention that all 3 of us have effective stacks of 300-450, with UTG about the biggest, pot is $94.