WPTbraclet;364107 wroteCheers Everybody!! I have played Poker now for over 6 years. I am a Tourney Girl LOL . I love Poker so much I placed 3rd in the Blue Water Classic, and 17th WPT and also 59th in the WSOP. I Love a good Challenge. I took up Poker when I had 3rd Stage Breast Cancer and it sure made me feel good at times and keep my mind sharp. I am a survivor and Proud Of It too. Just like a Poker Tourney instead it is a Journey:) When your a Winner it lifts up your spirits and YOU feel like you have accomplished what you have set out to do... I have just finished putting on a Charity For Wellingspring in London Ontario and what a success.
My Dream in Life is one day just to sit at a table's with the Pro's or Poker After Dark. Although I did have DN Facebook me truly also had the opportunity to sit with Money Maker at a Table in Caesars Windsor:)). See YOU at the Tables Cheers ET;)
May Your Cards Be Live And Your Pot Be Monters:D