payperview So this am I had time to go to woodbine for a few hrs. I sat at the 1/2 table and went on a sick heater in just over 2 hrs. Things started off quiet and chipped my $100 bi to $200. there were 2 super aggressive players to my left sitting with $925 and $350. My first hand to get the ball rolling when I was on the button with 55. Utg +2 raised to 30 and two players called before action reached me. I called and figured if I hit a set I could double up as the initial raiser was tight. Btw would most of you call with 55? Flop comes T52 rainbow, raiser open shoves for $250 ish, guy to my right snap calls. I pause and figure if he has TT I pay him off, so I call. Utg +2 had AA ang guy to right had TJ. I hold and win a pot of $650ish. A few hands later mid pos I open raise 56 soothed, agressive player (350stack) reraises to 18, so 3 see a flop. Flop 248, double belly draw i chk call almost a pot bet bringing pot to $100 ish, turn I chk he bet 85 so I raised to $210 and he jammed his total stack of $285 AI with 58dd. He figured str8 and flush draw he couldn't fold. I held and won. This put me at $900 and change. I stayed quiet for another orbit until it was a family pot and I had good ole 56 on button again. Agressive player in bb (950 stack) made it $18 to go and cut the field down to 5 on the flop. I saw the flop of 248.......exact same flop, however 2 were clubs this time. Raiser lead $60 into $80 and it folded to me. I flatted and decided i was going to analyze the turn. Turn is a 7......... Bingo. He bet $150 into $200. I want to know how many of you flat his bet and hope he jams river and how many of you raise here. I decided to raise to $320 and he folded. Winning another nice pot. I chipped up a little more and decided to cashout with $1335. I was going to take a screen pic, however the chip stack porn is much nice. I hope to stop back in later this week. I would appreciate feedback on hands played, if anyone plays them differently. Thanks.
piggypie123 Well done Payperview!. That last hand I would of raised too, because of those two clubs on board.
pkrfce9 for the 55 hand, how big were the stacks and did you close the action pf? sounds like 200ish and yes?
Card Dead Based on your description of the table, I definitely call with 55 OTB, even for 30 cold. You know you're getting paid if you hit. I agree that the raise with the straight was the right move. With V having a wide range, there are many scare cards that he could bluff shove on the river, or outdraw you even. Also, you are way ahead here and there are several hands that he still calls with.
pkrfce9 payperview;363864 wroteFor the 55 hand, the blinds were last to act behind me. Most stacks were 200-300. calling here is -ev in most cases but it worked extremely well in this one instance. I'm jelly.
JimmyHo pkrfce9;363862 wrotefor the 55 hand, how big were the stacks and did you close the action pf? sounds like 200ish and yes? Don't be such a nit...its Woodbine you know the draw is going to hit!
Colin408 Good job! I don't play cash games often,but I cashed out with a 100 dollar profit in a 50/100 cent cash game last night. I have yet to play a casino cash game..