# of days before Rob Ford either resigns or is removed as Mayor......48.5
# of episodes of Ford Nation on SunTv......6.5.......UNDER wins (1 episode)
Place your bets.
I'll take the over on the first one.
SunTV gave those idiots a show? I'll take the under.
I'll take the under on that for sure.
Ford virtually CANNOT be removed as Mayor, so the over is safe.
I had an employee, great worker, but drinking problem, every once in awhile, would not show up for 2 or 3 days.
We addressed the problem, offered to pay for the person to seek help, she refused.
At that point, had her sign a letter stating that if the drinking got in the way of her work, it would be just cause for dismissal.
She cleaned up her act for awhile, but the demon rum won in the end. she was let go.
He should be accountable to the people of Toronto.
He is an embarrassment to the city.
Milton Slim
the problem is that he will not be accountable to Toronto citizens until October of NEXT year . . . do the people have to wait almost a year for this embarrassment to be removed?
This is not to say I am in favour of removal. They voted for this buffoon, let them suffer . . . just like my city has to put up with Queen Susan.
Argooooooooooos. Over on mayor, under on tv show.
Sadly I have to take over on both. I do think he will end up taking a leave of absence at some point but he won't quit or be booted. Only death will stop him, and that is still a possibility at this point.
Sucks that Sun TV gave them a media platform, doubt they will give it up anytime soon. The Fords will screen calls to make it a true Ford Nation love-in.
with respect to the Council votes that stripped him of his powers in recent days, I think he actually made a pertinent point (I am as shocked as you are, trust me). He asked the City Solicitor (?, the person who advises on such things) if, by voting on those motions he would be in a conflict of interest. I did not like the response (he was told to ask his own lawyer), but think that the question is a good one. Several of the Councillors involved in trying to pillory Ford at the moment are planning on running for Mayor next year (in particular Minnan-Wong, Vaughan, and Stintz, with Carroll likely to run as well). As such, making the Mayor look bad makes them look good, even if it is just as a means of distancing themselves from a former ally. So, why no concerns about what appears to be an obvious conflict of interest?
Bodog as of last night was taking bets on fordsy.......for real.
Ford Nation is on Sun News now for those interested.
Everyone who took under on the # of episodes of Ford Nation wins. Cancelled after just one show.
Sun News kills Ford Nation TV show after one episode - The Globe and Mail
Wow. Sun News viewers are smarter than I thought. :D
Hobbes;363895 wroteWow. Sun News viewers are smarter than I thought. :D
No . . . but the management is . . .
Each day brings a new surprise in terms of what's going to go wrong in this guys life or what poor choices he's going to make:
Rob Ford fitness consultant a convicted steroid trafficker, banned from coaching in Canada | National Post
Yep. They are going to do it for Youtube. It'll be the same format but without the production values. Can't wait. It should be good.
If by good you mean "train wreck" then yes, it will be fabulous.
Ford is going to be on The Zoomer Monday (tomorrow) at 9pm on VisionTV. He's being interviewed by Conrad Black.
lol, Conrad Black and Ford together... what a pair...>:D