Milo;363739 wroteCannot begin to imagine why you would not be invited back . . .
Honestly, nice bunch of guys, but the majority of the players I play with at other local 1/2 home games where the buy-ins range from $200 - $400 max. There were a couple other guys I had never played against, but they bought in really short and milked their stacks all night.
So I arrived around 8:30 and bought in for the max of $60. There were a couple guys sitting with over $200 each at this point, and a few shorter stacks. After a few hands, I get KQoff on the button and raise to $12. One of my regular poker buddies has about $60 and he pushes, so I decide this is a pretty good chance to double up and I call. The flop comes Q high and I end up winning against AK. First of many times I am behind and catch up.
After being card dead for a while, I get AJoff on the button and raise to $12. One of the blinds calls and another player makes it $37 total. I decide to just call and other guy calls. Flop comes JJx and original player checks, I push and he calls. Think he had QQ and again I out flop a better hand.
This was my favourite hand of the night, I call a small $7 preflop raise with 107off and the flop comes 68x. The original raiser makes it $6 and there are a few other callers so I decide to call. The turn is a 10 and its checked to me and I bet $35 figuring I can take the hand down with a decent raise. First player pushes for less than $35 and the other player goes all-in, which cost me another $40ish. I figure I am behind but maybe two pair will be good and there's too much in the pot already. Short stack turns over a set of 6s and the other player shows a set of tens. I am wayyyyyyyyyyy behind until I river them with a miracle nine for the straight. They both looked stunned!
This hand pays off a little later when I get action from a guy when I re-raise a substantial amount pre-flop with AA and get someone else pushing into me.
Overall it was fun playing a small buy-in game but really felt bad for my buddy who was down a few buy-ins and could only rebuy for $60 and never get back his money. I was lucky and I was up from my initial buy-in and never looked back.