Yes, compuease, pkrfce9, pokerJAH, etc. find what I do very disturbing. That's why we do it every weekend at Woodstock - pkrfce9 brings the Vaseline.
EricB;366713 wroteDOES ANYONE ELSE FIND WHAT BLONDEFISH IS DOING SLIGHTLY DISTURBING? (sorry if tranny, just saying...little off putting bro (?) )
Sigh, this "WPT Fallsview" thread in a poker forum has gone from being "cancelled by a Microsoft convention" to a "bro job." :rolleyes:
I WAS thinking of posting a trip report, including the following topics:
- Game of Turbos - You Win Or You Die
- A Clash of Satellite Kings - several kings have emerged with three or more WPT seats already.
- A Storm of Swords - : all 17 tables were busy last night, including 3 satellite tables!
- A Feast for Crows - most of the forumers & friends I know keep getting coolered, sucked out on, and losing to Kings with horseshoes. There may be renewed attempts to have the first-ever RFS. :cool2:
- A Dance with Dragons: Instead of one "King to rule them all," a Dragon Queen has emerged; she won all the satellites she played in one day - including a $1,100, $2,500 and $5,000 WPT seats! :o
See you all at WPT Fallsview between now and February 24. The bad news for pkrfce9 is that while paper and pen are now officially allowed at Fallsview, "cheers: bro jobs are still not allowed under TDA Rules.