Other casinos' systems would have been able to re-assign #650 so the prize pool would have been maximized to $630,500. I know at least one VIP who had an excusable absence, but just like you and I would have had to find somebody to use the 100% transferable entry, Fallsview should have found a way to make that extra entry available since there were so many customers that would have loved to buy that entry, including sniperboy and many other forum members.
Fallsview's antiquated system and procedures are so bad that after telling many disappointed customers that ALL 650 entries for the $1100 Event has been totally sold out for awhile, they suddenly made entries available the morning of! I was with a pro by the cashiers' cage after 11:30 to withdraw my entry cards that I had won for us, when the pro's friend exclaimed that Fallsview suddenly gave him one of the "extra" entries for face value! There were many others behind him and in the ballroom area that were desperately looking for an entry. Similar screw-ups happened in the so-called "sold-out" :bs: $275 and $550 super satellites, resulting in many enraged :rage: customers.
actyper;370105 wroteBtw Mr. 650 had an excusable absence and was refunded his buyin.