13CARDS;369287 wrote$1,050 Satellite list with 24 names.
Call all 24 names, within 5 minutes, then announce open seating because....
...only 5 people show up to play.
Fallsview could probably improve on this how?
I'm assuming they start calling the names after 4+ hours when the list hits 24 names?
That's exactly the reason why I never bothered going anymore to play satellites, it's not worth the time to be waiting around forever.
Assume the average working Joe just wants to play satellites and takes a day off work to go, they drive 1.5 hours from Toronto. Show up, has to wait 4 hours for a satellite, plays one, gets knocked out in 1 hour, waits another 4 hours, most likely misses their name cause they are hungry and goes eat and can't hear their name called. Then drives 1.5 hours home so they can make it to work the next day.
Good job Fallsview for making regular people spend like 10 hours to play 1 hour of poker.