moose;404742 wroteThere is an option in system menu somewhere to allow the unit to work with a remote keyboard/mouse. You have to turn it on. Maybe a security setting?
You nailed that one, keyboard now works but still can't get any apps in Kodi to stream anything. I did go to the browser in Android
and went to speedtest, getting 36 down an 10 up so the box is definitely getting connection fine. By the way the same links Sportsdevil, work fine on my laptop but the same link on the box gets "web request failed"... lol, supposed to be easy wasn't it? lol My wife sure wouldn't put up with this...
I'm thinking configuration but I haven't found the key yet.. May have to take Greg up on his offer... I can get into a couple of cartoons but no audio at all, checked that in settings and everything is set to on or normal.