Wetts1012;361976 wrote... plus I had some guy to my immediate right who wouldnt shut up about EV/ICM...
LOL, as Wetts1012 knows, I hate tapping the aquarium so I don't talk about EV or ICM at the table. Instead, I was shouting in every hand:
- "
Huh, what ante? You mean I have to put in an ante every single hand??"
- "
Wash the &^%$#@ cards!" as I "Chris Ferguson" my cards right at the dealer's head ;) - I was ready to break my wrists insta-shoving with an unexploitable range in the SB vs. SGTMIL (some guy to my immediate left) named Wetts1012 who is the chipleader, but I wake up with
- "
Change the *&^%$#@ deck!" - In the next orbit in BvB, I was ready to break my elbows next with a Nash equilibrium insta-shove vs. SGTMIL, but I look at the first card and see a 2 again - 2-5. :( SCTMIL shows an Ace & woulda insta-call. I later take over the chiplead with 9 players left.
- "
Change the *&^%$#@ dealer or I'll sit out until the next dealer!" - Next time it folds to me & SGTMIL, I look at the first card and it is a 5 again. :rolleyes:
I never got to play a hand against SGTMIL. Whenever I folded, SGTMIL would raise bigger than average, then would surprisingly get flatted light (instead of jam/fold) by his old tablemates.
After I was eliminated, chose the cheque option to give to my better half, and gave the dealer my customary tip, I only had one thing left to say:
Brantford is more &^%$#@ rigged than Woodbine!"