blondefish;361605 wroteplaying 2/5, up to ~$850. My table gets broken up and i move to a new table. I raise in ep to $20 with
villain 3bets to $70, with almost as much as me. He seems to be inexperienced, as i have seen him act out-of-turn the night before and does not seem to be familiar with live rules. One hand i remember is that a lag open-raised, a 5/10 lag who played in wpt napc 3-bet to $100 in mp, & this villain flatted in sb. On flop of k-8-4, villain donk overbet all-in; folded to wpt lag who tanked & showed a king, and inexperienced villain showed his a-k; wpt lag then makes easy fold of his k-q.
1) wwyd to raise of $50 more?
i would likely call/raise with a 75/25 ratio. More raising against weaker players, obv. If villain puts me on a credible ep hand, what is he re-raising with? 10-10+, a-q+ (a-j suited?)?
i opt to flat with the jacks. Pot is $146 and flop is
2) wwyd?
check call to an anticipated c-bet.
i opt to check & villain checks behind. Turn is
villain acts out-of-turn and checks.
3) wwyd?
bet out . . . As stated previous, low % that you are behind.
i bet $120 with my set. Villain changes his oot check to an all-in overbet raise to ~$640 more! Dealer states that he can only call since he had checked oot. Villain agrees to just call.
Several players disagree with the dealer and the floor is called.
This I have a bit of a problem with. I understand protecting themselves against future rulings, but they are not involved in this hand. It is almost like they are playing his hand FOR him, which is wrong.
I remain quiet while tanking about the possible all-in and in order not to give off any tells.
4) which poker rooms would rule that since i bet, villain can now do whatever he wants even though he may been angling with the oot check? Which rooms follow
robert's rule of poker which states that
a player who checks out of turn may not bet or raise on the next turn to act"
and would agree with the dealer that villain cannot raise my bet?
Which rule would you use in your home game?
he acted out of turn, but it in no way altered what your options were. Once you bet, i would allow him to have all options open to him that you did. I would also issue a warning about acting out of turn.
the floor supervisor, whom i thought was even better than 13cards, decides that the house rule in this casino is that oot villain can now do whatever he wants after my bet.
5) wwyd? With the pot currently at $386, his all-in raise is for $640 more, leaving me with only a couple of chips & a chair; winner will get the pot of almost $1,700!