Macke Here is a very silly question... that I am sure I will get ridiculed for but whatever When you are staked or are staking someone how does a payout usually work? I always just assumed half of the winnings if it was a full stake or whatever percent was sold that is how much the staker would get of the profits. I ask simply because the WSOPC is coming back soon and a friend and I were discussing and how is going to play the first event and he is being given 150 to play it.. so I believe that is like 40% of the buy in which he said will payout his staker 20% of the total winnings which just sounded wrong. (standard deals I guess.. obviously there are many different things two people can work out.)
GTA Poker Usually if you are fully staked you pay out 50-60% plus makeup on losses for long term deals. If someone is buying a piece of your action you pay out that %age. You friend likely would owe 40% of his winnings unless there is some other deal in place.
Macke That is what I thought... just wondering how my friend (and apparently a couple other we play with) came to their definition. I believe their thought process is they think they get a cut of the percentage staked as well.. because if not what's the point? thinking whatever they are staked they get half of that too. But isn't it in most cases staking allows you the opportunity to play events/games you otherwise couldn't afford. But it's not like I am in the staking business lol. Damn.. I could go for a steak right now, i'm hungry.
djgolfcan I think your friends are confusing two different types of staking deals. The first, and the one used here for most of the deals, is the percentage stake. Buy-in is $1000 and the player agrees to sell 50% of their action, so raises $500. If the player wins $2000, he gets $1000 and the backers split the remaining $1000. The second staking deal involves the staker to pay the entire buy-in. So the staker pays $1000 and player wins $2000, the staker is paid back the buy-in first ($1000) and the remaining $1000 is split as to the agreed percentage. By the way, are your friends looking to stake anyone else ?
Wetts1012 If youre asking how staking really works its simple: GTA gives me the monies and I dont give any back.
kwsteve Maybe they get it from Rounders. At the beginning when Mike busts out and Knish offers to stake him he says something like, "standard deal, if you win I get half the profits, if you lose it's on me." Mike declines and asks if Knish still has the truck.
GTA Poker Wetts1012;361374 wroteIf youre asking how staking really works its simple: GTA gives me the monies and I dont give any back. Standard deal
Milo Wetts1012;361374 wroteIf youre asking how staking really works its simple: GTA gives me the monies and I dont give any back. GTA Poker;361406 wroteStandard deal But who moves the couch?