payperview;360339 wroteIf you try it let me know what you think of it. I don't use a HUD. I was considering getting one.
downloaded it last night and manually imported a few hands to test it out. considering it's free it's not too bad. obviously it's much more limited than pt3/4. i was mainly looking for something to track my omaha hands for me as my personal tracking was getting annoying.
i haven't tried the HUD yet but if your primary concern is to get a HUD then you might want to skip this software as there are limitations. that is, it only supports two table HUDs at a time and it only displays 4 stats per opponent max. so probably not the best for you (although again better than nothing considering the price).
personally, since i've switched to playing mainly omaha cash i haven't had the luxury of a HUD. however, i find that that has been helping me i think. it forces me to pay more attention as i can't just look at the stats anymore. also, i'm starting to rely more on my gut than on the numbers/stats and so far i've been doing pretty well. my sample size is only 3500+ hands to this point but i'm really enjoying my results at a game i'm still a newb at.