Milo;360196 wroteTo play Devil's Advocate . . . this is simply the reductio absurdum result of removing all religious symbolism from society in general. After all, separation of Church and State, right?
On the plus side, this will likely not survive a vote in the National Assembly and, if it did, we would probably be the beneficiaries, just as we were in the 70's when Rene Levesque raised his tobacco shrouded head.
I hope you're right that this will be shot down, because it IS embarrassing. However, your fancy greek wording and saying "separation.. blah blah"? Dismissive...
This picture of the "inappropriate"...
Followed by this image of the "acceptable"
Is straight up bigotry in picture form.... they made a point of showing a "tiny crucifix" being okay is abhorrent... how the fuck can they argue that public employees must not show any sore of religious bias, but tiny crosses are okay? Exactly how big need a cross be before it is no longer neutral? Are they arguing that person may just be a big fan on the lower-case t? Get fucked.