Before we leave Reno, we head back to the Riverside for some daylight pics, since my tablet lacks a flash. I've put together an old school TR King cash set, mostly from the Riverside, which you can see in this thread, with more history of the Riverside.
So we head out of town for the brutal 7 hour drive from Reno, to Las Vegas. Really don't recommend this drive. It's dead boring and there are almost no towns of any size inbetween.
Best shot I got on the drive and it got super boring after this.
We had free dinner buffet passes to the Aria buffet, courtesy of the MyVegas app on facebook. The buffet was pretty good, especially so for free, however the service kind of sucked.
The next morning we head to Terrible's for our traditional Vegas cheapo breakfast, which is now the Silver Seven's Casino. Sadly they slightly reno'd the cafe and changed the menu so not as great as before.
The giant wheel is coming along nicely.
There is so little left of Bill's that I wonder why they didn't just knock the whole thing down and start again.
If you look closely you can actually make out Barbary Coast underneath Bills.
The Linq is nearing completion and of course nothing is recognizable of IP (now The Quad) anymore.
You can see how the wheel is going to tower over the Vegas skyline when it is finished.
Thursday, we knocked the shark tank at Golden Nugget off the bucket list. After a bucket of beers and some sunshine, we went upstairs where I had booked a spa for the wife and I. Then we met up with the Grails at Ballys steakhouse for a great meal. The steakhouse is going to be reno'd into a BLT steak so it was nice to go again before it closes.
Riding the slide through the shark tank was tons of fun.
Afterwards we have free tickets to O, again courtesy of MyVegas. Great show but the combo of the earlier sun and spa, dreamy music, heavy dinner and alcohol makes it a struggle to stay awake.
We total up all the wins and losses and with one day left in the trip, we are down a whopping $5. Ok a good final day and we walk away winners.
Friday we again have free passes, this time for the Bellagio lunch buffet, courtesy of MyVegas. An outstanding Vegas classic buffet. Great service, with linen napkins, class all the way.
Afterwards we go to The Quad, to use a free $5 slot play coupon we received when we checked into Harrahs. Hey I spin a $7.75 win. Victory is ours! $2.75 profit gambling on the trip! Then we head to the car museum, with free passes the Total Rewards desk gives us when we cash in the $5 slot play coupon. Another item off the bucket list.
It is an amazing collection of cars.
We briefly consider quitting gambling to book our $2.75 profit but that wouldn't be any fun. We head over to the Venetian. My wife sits in the 4-8 game and I play 4-8 O8. Unfortunately my playbook dies again. I get stuck $300 early but go on a sick card rush at the end of the session and cash out 4 racks. I had someone email me an awesome picture of my mighty tower but unfortunately it doesn't look like it made it. So now we are up a couple hundred.
Then we head to my favourite place for craps - Joker's Wild in Henderson, for $1 craps, but mostly because they have quarters and I need to finish out my rack that I have been slowly collecting over many trips. We start badly but at one point a guy rolls, I kid you not - five 10 points in a row. Unbelievable. I get the quarters I need and we book a mighty $2 win overall.
We wrap up Vegas with a trip to the Mirage for more 3-6 and also to get some of their new chips. Night ends badly for me and I drop $128 but we wrap Vegas up after 10 days, with about a $40 profit. Sweet!
Considering all we ate on this trip, my wife says someone should make this into a t-shirt and make a mint of money.