jontm;359378 wroteI am. That's why I added the part about me talking about conditioning as opposed to surge. I'm assuming this device trips to protect?
Why didn't you quote Comp and shit on him?
Just my .02 but I don't think that's what he meant/was doing Jon. The interweb is way too interpretive and has spawned far too many misunderstandings.
Anyhoo, I can't understand why these things aren't more popular/well known in homes considering that the average home has several thousand dollars worth of electronic gear with wee little microprocessors and boards that are so delicate and subject to damage from minor surges and brown outs. Especially in ON where every August we seem to have these apocalyptic freaking storms.
I'm sure that every reg on this forum has over $1k minimum worth of PC sitting in front of them and I doubt one of us has one of these systems. That's what I don't get. Do they suck and nobody wants them or do they work and nobody knows about them? Or both?