The silly noon deadline is frustrating, but it's good that more players have learnt to sign up for the $220+$10 with more chips and longer blinds instead of the worst-value $90+$10. For some strange reason, less players show up on a Saturday or Sunday morning for SNGs than on weekdays.
On a weekday morning last week, a $75+$5 SNG actually ran soon after the 8 AM opening! :o This was later followed by a forumer playing a $90+$10 and me playing the $220+$10, while the third forum reg at Woodbine was winning at the cash games. I cashed and we celebrated by eating at the Willows Noodle Bar.
While eating, a Chinese couple used a $10 coupon each. Out of curiosity, I asked which newspaper OLG Woodbine advertises in. He said that it was a Chinese newspaper that he carries in his store, and offered me a coupon. I declined, but he had a lot and ended up giving me several coupons. While I have never seen an OLG poker advertisement anywhere, it seems that they target the Chinese degenerate gambling population. He complained about constantly losing at the slots, so I told him that the forumer and I make money at Woodbine and that when he wants a break from the RIGGED one-armed bandits to take a free lesson at the Poker Lounge.
payperview;363548 wroteRoom very busy now. 1 table 1-2, 3 table 2-5, 1 table 5-5 and one 230 tourney starting.