When I drove to Fallsview on Friday night and was buying gas for $1.22/l, I noticed fireworks. Last time I watched fireworks was at Canada's Wonderland where it took a couple of hours to get out of the park after. I was clueless that there have been fireworks and illumination at Niagara Falls since May and there will even be fireworks during winter. Since I have withdrawn all my cash from online, I will start going more to Fallsview to watch some fireworks both on and off the poker table!
I think it was Xuan Liu or other forumer who had told me about opening a front money account years ago when I first started showing up regularly at Fallsview. I haven't used mine since the last WPT $10K event and the cashiers said it would have been closed by now and I would have to open a new one, but to our surprise, my old one was still open. A cashier asked if I was excited about the bad beat jackpot being > $100,000, and I replied, "No, it may attract a few degenerates, but it is an extra rake by the Niagara casinos of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and winning players' money is taken away and distributed based on lotto luck instead of skill." :p
After I eventually got seated on a table, a lot of players and dealers kept talking about the BBJ.
To be continued if I have time....
Yeah people love the BBJ, when its big like this its a huge topic of conversation. It does eat into players money for sure but if you are a decent player at 2/5+ its not an absolute W/R killer like it is online. I have a certain liking to BBJPs though, horribly biased >:D>:D>:D