moose;358268 wroteKK cracked by quads iz BBJ?
If the ace had come then the KK guy would have had Aces full of Kings, and his opponent would have had quads.
He would have been real disappointed though - the guy with A6 would not be using both of his cards to make the best hand and thus it would not qualify for the Bad Beat Jackpot.
I wonder how many people know this rule:
"Players may not discuss the possibility or likelihood that the bad beat jackpot will be awarded during the hand currently in progress; doing so may void qualification for the jackpot."
Also, in my research I found out that to have the losing hand in the BBJ at Brantford:
"If the losing hand is a full house it must contain at least one Ace."
So, at Brantford to have the losing hand in a BBJ you must have either the low end of a straight flush, a pair (to make quads) or AK, AQ, or AJ. You can't have KK and have your opponent have AQ on a AAAxx board. At Niagara or Fallsview this would qualify for the losing hand for the Bad Beat Jackpot.