jontm Gonna sneak a nap, feeling this will be a long night. Between three of EM already got a better than average final table stack. :) 2.9 million in play I believe. Damage will be done by PFCers tonight!
jontm Bonkowski right on her left last while, needless to say she wouldn't mind that table being broken soon. Lost big hand, dropped to 50k but now back to 75k. They are down to 40.
jontm hiphopopotamus;358337 wroteStagnant at 140k. What table you at now? Back here. Brenna is at 27k after big flip with AK<10s :( Looking to make comeback with 30 left at 2k/4k.
hiphopopotamus jontm;358345 wroteFuck! Bust KK vs AA and they both flop set. Quite the commotion. Ty for support. Yeah. Gross hand. That was me that busted her. Sorry. :(
jontm Keep us posted and represent! Btw if your comfortable answering, where you from (province even), Bren mentioned you flew in? Nice meeting yet another PFCer
BlondeFish Decent stack to make the money, but of course, you want to keep making +$EV decisions as ICM and bubble strategies comes into play. What are the blinds now? Good luck! hiphopopotamus;358354 wrote180k with 18 left. 12 pay.
hiphopopotamus jontm;358357 wroteKeep us posted and represent! Btw if your comfortable answering, where you from (province even), Bren mentioned you flew in? Nice meeting yet another PFCer Originally from Calgary. Went to school in Edmonton from 2007-2011. Out in Ontario now. Just in town for the week for a wedding.