moose;358149 wroteWell I don't intend to offend anybody but in all the descriptions of LAG's actions, the LAG player, just limps or flats preflop raises. I define this player as BAD.
I witnessed dozens of hands against this guy where he did raise or check raise; they just didn't happen to be hands I was involved with. My point is that a LAG is not necessarily going to raise every pot preflop. The LAG I described here in particular tended to be aggressive after the flop or turn, which again was why I was surprised that he didn't act on the pocket sixes flop.
The turn was a jack. Check, check to me, and I bet out 4000. The button folded, and LAG who was now the big stack at the table raised to 10000. The other player folded. I instantly shoved. The LAG Hollywooded for a bit, and eventually asked for a count to know what I had behind - which was a bit more than 4000. He Hollywooded for a bit more, said he thought he was drawing dead, and eventually folded.
In this situation, to call the 4000, when he had the chips to do so, was getting 8:1 to call that bet. The raise on the turn was the kind of aggression that I had been watching all tournament. That's where the "A" came from. He clearly had nothing when he raised the 10000 if he can't call my reraise with 8:1 odds.