Young Grimm;357596 wroteSo I have had the opportunity to travel this summer and play a bunch of poker. I figured I would share some of the experiences and also get feedback on a couple of hands that I still replay in my head.
Part 1-Las Vegas
So the summer started out with a trip to Vegas with 10 of my poker buddies. We had 8:30am flights on Tuesday July 2nd but like the true degens we are we headed to my buddy's house Monday night to play a quick sit'n'go before we took off down to Seneca to "warm-up". I bubbled the SNG which was somewhat foreshadowing for how my trip would go. We arrived to Seneca around 1 am after taking heat at the border for 7 of have a grand total of more than 10k. We were directed by the border guard to head over for further questioning. We sat and twiddled our thumbs for about 15 minutes before another guard came out and I explained that while the grand total of cash coming in was over 10 k, none of us as individuals had more than about $2500. He said we didn't need to be in here and waved us on. Whew!
We hit Seneca and all 7 of us (3 others flew down Wednesday) immediately got seated. One guy made $500 in about 3 hands and cashed out and slept. 5 other guys made between $200 and $400. I wasn't so lucky. I bought in for $100 at the 1-2 NL $100 max where I was assigned. I was shorter stacked but not too badly disadvantaged. One of my first hands I got stacked when this annoying douche-bag rivered a 2 outer to make a set vs my flopped 2 pair. I reloaded and did get revenge on that guy when my reverse-dominated AK hit a king on the river a few hands later. This guy was annoying as shit and I was just waiting to stack him. He had the horseshoe so far up his ass it was sickening. He stacked 3 or 4 guys a couple of times( unfortunately I was one of them!) I settled into a decent rhythm and was playing tight and winning a few pots. I had my stack up to around $250 when I picked up KK UTG. I raised to $9 (standard it seemed) and there were two callers until we get to the d-bag on the button who made it $30. It was folded to me so I made it $75 and he was the only caller. The flop came 9,10,J rainbow and I shoved with my overpair and gutshot straight draw. He just says buh-bye and calls with Q8 for the straight and I am felted again. Anyone play this differently???
Anyway I donked off another $100 because I was tilting then called it a night down $300 total.
In a $100 max game I might play this differently (I would also never sit in a $100 max game). It depends how much value you take in having a 3x starting stack. You have to remember that your stack itself has equity in NL cash games which is independent of profit.