What the hell. I said I wanted to take online poker more seriously. I like the idea of coaching too.
I have no graphs but links to OPR are below. I have had several successful BAPs on this site, including turning a staked $500 into over $1600 in 2 months.
I have been play casually for the last few months but have been able to put in significant volume in the past. I can multi table up to 6 games at a time comfortably but would like to increase that with practice.
I have 3-4 hours a day I can put into playing and on my days off, 5-6 hours (2x a week).
OPR - djgolfcan on Stars
DJGOLFCAN Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings
OPR - dufferdevon on Full Tilt
DUFFERDEVON Poker Results and Statistics - Official Poker Rankings
Skype name is djgolfcan2
Don't use pokertracker or HEM.