pkrfce9;357285 wroteColes Notes:
I guess comp donked off his $60 buy in and stormed out without a goodbye.
I'll have you know I bought in for $250. which is what I had on my card.. I played just over 3 hours, which is about as long as I like to play now. Unless I am at a real lively fun table I start falling asleep and lose concentration.
Cashed out with about that much of a loss ($60.) though. Was down about $90 early after raising only small in the cutoff with KK (I opened). Lady on the button who had the $90. called along with BB I think. Flop K, brick, brick, 2 hearts. She has K,9 hearts and you know where this went.. I bet $16 on the flop and we got it in. When you called me I was just pulling onto the 427 south. You are right I should have said goodbye, was rude of me.. Apologies.