STR82ACE;357249 wroteBeen lurking this thread since it was created. Darryl's summary expresses my own thoughts that I've had for quite awhile, and those of many others over the past couple of years. PFC is NOT a poker forum...its a social forum that offers poker discussion.
On any given day, you will find two to three times posts in OTF than all the other subgroups combined. Not that this is a bad thing...all discussions are usually fair, interesting, and can be informative.
When I first signed up here, the group of regular posters concentrated on POKER, mostly online, and there were many many indepth analysis offered and disputed daily. I found it much more educational and as a new player, found many concepts hard to digest only because of my lack of experience with the game. What I found early on was that new players were often torn to shreds on their requests and often made to feel inadequate in their skills, which I was no doubt, but very little was offered as genuine help. Most of my personal knowledge on this game did NOT come from this site at all, and I think most here would say the same thing. We might start out here, but move on to other sites for education and advise. This forum, as a POKER forum, was and is currently not up to standard imho.
Not to say there haven't been some gems here. GTA's posts on cash game theory are rock solid, great advise, and BTP and Wetts tournament game successes are proof that this forum does have what it takes to be a very informative and helpful arena. But there is simply more bashing and personal attacks being hurled at each other in these threads that it makes them redundant and readers lose interest in the original questions/answers of the threads.
I've came to realize some time ago that I will never be as profitable at this game as many of you seem to have been, and I'm okay with that. I still enjoy the game, the theory, and MOST of the people I've come to meet from playing this game. I enjoy live play more than online, and I still would love to play more often. I think my game has come a long way, but it will never be up to par with BTA or Wetts or GTA's or most of the rest of the upper level players here, and I"m still okay with that. But it would be nice to actually make a profit and maintain a level. A concept I had thought I had, but apparently have not.
It would be great if this forum had more 'training' opportunity other than being thrown to the wolves. It would great to see more coaching in either one to one or in small groups. And it would be great if some of the more successful players here would actually take more time and create vids or threads that concentrated on specific concepts of the game. It will never be a 2+2 environment, but it would go a long way in generating more traffic and increasing the POKER value of this forum.
Alas, I am most likely talking out of my ass, and its been awhile for me since I last played. Not because I don't want to either. I can't wait until I'm in a position to start up the league again as I very much enjoy the social aspect of the game, and damnit it was fun!! Other than posts in The Hill section here, my forum participation is almost nil over the past few years, but I would enjoy it more if it were more centered on the game rather than on topics not related.
Will this site crash and burn? I doubt it. Its got a very good solid base of participants who enjoy the social aspects of the group as it is. I doubt if this site will, but it is and has been changing from a POKER forum to more of a YMCA type of thing (something for everyone). I just wish some of the members here would post more strategy related topics rather than "If you have Hate in your heart" or theory of God topics.
tl;dr don't blame you...i wouldn't have read it all either. just killing time before i head out for a ride
Guess not a good post.
This is the same thing I was saying for the longest time only to be bashed, also Darbday said the same, so does this mean wetts and yourself are going to be threatened with a ban now? No of course not cause wetts is the golden child around here and you guys are part of the clique.
Wetts starts this thread then turns around and starts berating people who want to talk poker in a full tilt thread, yup makes sense........... and that's why this forum is failing, I too checked the value of this forum long ago and it was worth thousand's compared to what people have said above about the numbers now that's not good.
Everyone is too scared to post cause you have people like wetts and GTA bashing people every post they make and mods not doing their jobs. No one wants to post or read the fighting crap, I know I don't and their is quite a few on here that feel the same. I agree when GTA talks poker cash games it's great, it's unfortunate he is a hateful person cause certain aspects of his life did not work out.