compuease;360102 wroteTry to answer me with your thoughts, not by showing us something quoted or done by others. That's just someone's interpretation not necessarily fact.
Not quite sure what you are talking about? My first quote from Johnnie is taken from the Bible. It is God quite clearly describing Himself as a jealous Being. The second time I quoted Johnnie I included a video that clearly puts together several passages about God and describing His attributes and again using the two I had used plus several more talking about how jealous He can be. These aren’t interpretations of who God is! These are facts in the Bible which is a source God has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind. It is not the only source but it is a source.
The Sam Harris comment is a fact. Sam is a well-known atheist who goes around the country preaching his message that there is no God. He is joined by guys likes Dawkins and Dennet and the late Christopher Hitchens. They get paid big money to say things like there is no God and denounce the Bible and Christianity as well as all major religions. Harris wrote a book called Free Will. In it he comes to the conclusion that mankind is without free will. He basically is an updated argument from David Hume. Sam Harris is a neuroscientist and tries to convince his audience that mankind is not free to think for himself. He doesn’t use the language I am going to use but the essence is that are brains are programmed by electrical impulses. These impulse need decoding and what you have done with your life, your experiences, education etc. are used to decode the message. The end result of his thesis is I guy like Ariel Castro isn’t responsible for what he did. He makes no qualms about it. He also think the guy should rot in jail. Which in reality doesn’t make sense. How can someone with no free will do something you basically admit to being programmed to do be held responsible for his action?
Dave calls me a zealot? Like that is supposed to hurt my feelings? There are all kinds of opinions on this form but he singles me out? It’s ok because he hasn’t offered a thoughtful comment to the discussion. Nor has he addressed the original post where Kia Nelson says:
that the atheist needs to make a coherent argument against God that goes beyond tearing down the evidence Christians use to support God.
In other words, at some point you have to play offence. Not play defense looking for a turnover to make a point. I read an atheist blog today that admitted that we have moved beyond Darwin. That with the advances in micro biology and what we know about cellular structures and the inner workings of the cell go beyond anything Darwin could have imagined.
Hume’s argument is pretty sophisticated. But it go directly against what the Bible teaches. If I could boil the Bible into one phrase that expresses God’s feelings it would be lack of obedience toward Him. From Adam in the garden to Abraham and taking Hagar instead of obeying God to trust Him and wait for Sarah, on and on, page after page the Bible is filled with examples of God giving man a choice and man not choosing God so for Harris to say man has no free will is ludicrous to me.
I have lots of opinions about a variety of subjects, sports etc. Don’t kid yourself, a lot of the arguments Mark, Nik, Trigs and others are well laid out in the philosophy books and the social and philosophical science books.
Part of the reason I use many quotes from other people is to show that Christianity has as many intellectuals as the non-theist world view.
I choose to live my life by what I understand from the Bible about who God is, who Jesus Christ is because He claimed to be God. I either accept at by faith or I reject it. Make no mistake that those who reject Him put their faith in something else. Whether that be science, mankind and the supposed greater good of mankind – it is still faith and unprovable.