The Prophet 22;380843 wroteAll right, I will take off my conditions. If your are serious about the The Case For The Possibility of God then it only is an hour of your time face to face. Not a debate, but a presentation for The Case For The Possibility of God.
I appreciate the offer and I don't want to waste your and my time. The reality is this is what would happen. Forgive my presumptuousness but allow me to explain.
The issue with this, Brent, is that what you think constitutes proof will not sway Nik, Mark, myself and those like us in the least. If your case for the possibility of god contains ANY scriptural passages, you've already lost all credibility in our eyes for reasons repeated ad nauseam in this and other threads. The bible was not created by a divine being. It was also not created by men who were "inspired" by a divine being. As a matter of fact there is some really dated, barbaric and quite simply atrocious content in the bible. Yes, there are some passages that are "do unto other as..." and those are good but they hardly make up for a lot of the stone age mentality content.
Secondly, if any of your proof is based on the wonder of nature and the natural world then you have to prove that it has anything to do with your god. Every religion claims, to some degree, that anything amazing and wondrous is proof of THEIR god. They all provide no explanation or proof of why we should believe it's caused by their god (or gods) more so than any other religions' deities.
Personal or anecdotal stories of something incredible that happened that defies explanation is also not a valid reason to believe in any particular god. Every single faith has these stories and every one claims that they are absolutely true and the "know" their god was the cause. This is not grounds to believe because they can't all be telling the truth. Even if they all actually experienced something they are unable to explain it doesn't mean we should rush to attribute it to the supernatural. No matter how "impossible". Quite simply, we do not know or understand everything about our natural world and if we stuck with the knowledge the earliest men had and attributed everything unknown to "god" we would still be living in caves trembling at the sound of angry gods raging. Or, as we know it now, thunder.
I'm willing to hear someone out but there comes a point when the same staid old arguments just become tiresome and pointless. I have had these types of debates with people of multiple faiths or spiritualities and the "proofs" are always... and I mean ALWAYS the same. The moment I point out a very obvious lapse in logic of flaw in one of their "proofs" they abandon it and throw something else at me not at all realizing their truly ironic behavior. That the very basis for their beliefs are not required to maintain the beliefs. Ladies and gentlemen, faith!