800OVER;380558 wroteCorrection...i'm pretty open to the possibility of God. Show me any evidence.....any at all. And we can chat. Unless I'm willfully hostile to unicorns, dragons, and Justin Bieber's talent.....I find your characterization passively aggressive and weak.
You say "show me", but refuse to acknowledge what has been laid out for you . . .
Jesus of Nazareth is an historically documented person, by Roman documents, as well as Jewish historical records from the time.
Jesus of Nazareth is noted in those same records being referred to as "the Christ" not only by followers, but by those opposed to him.
After his crucifixion, his disciples, and those who followed them, suffered horrible tortures and deaths without recanting in their belief that Jesus of Nazareth was, as claimed, the Son of God. These tortures and deaths spanned more than two generations of followers so, while it would be easy to say that the "1st generation" of Jesus freaks were delusional, and suffered accordingly, it is less so to think that not one of the 3rd generation followers (and beyond) would not simply say "fuck it" to save their own ass.
And yes, I admit this is ALL circumstantial evidence, but it remains evidence nonetheless. Even in our courts system today circumstantial evidence is often enough to secure a conviction.
And conviction/Faith is what we are talking about, no?
But, like I said, you win. I cede the field. :)